Machine & Manual Stretch Films. Proud to be using 60% less plastic per pallet.

Case Studies: Machine & Manual Stretch Films. Proud to be using 60% less plastic per pallet.

Case Studies

Cardinal Health using Air-O-Film® Stretch

Modern sterilisation techniques
Cardinal Health manufacture various surgical kits for both elective and non-elective surgery. Like many similar manufacturers they use an electron beam process in order to sterilise their products. Syringes, gloves and various other products all pass through a special irradiation chamber in order to ensure that they are safe and fit for their eventual use.

Post sterilisation issues
This method of sterilisation is highly effective, enabling pallet loads of up to 7 feet to be processed at one time. However before the goods can be transported it is essential that they are aerated in special ‘blow out’ chambers. As a result of this, whatever the pallet is wrapped in needs to allow the air to circulate effectively.

Searching for the right solution
In the past Cardinal Health used a netting product to secure their pallets. The problem was that sometimes the netting would slip or migrate to the bottom of the load leaving no upper support. In such cases, pallets had to be returned for re-irradiation and re-wrapping and this meant incurring another expensive process.

The Solution: AiroOFilm Stretch.

As well as solving Cardinal Health’s aeration issue, Air-O-Film® Stretch was chosen because it performed so well with their incumbent wrapping machinery. Working in perfect harmony, Cardinal know that Air-O-Film® Stretch will provide them with a consistent 140% pre-stretch - every time.

Now, instead of suffering from slippage in the way that they used to with their previous netting solution, Cardinal enjoy a solid, fi rm pallet wrap. This has reduced their returns to virtually zero, saving them a great deal of money.

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